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Battle Content
UnlocksChapter 1


Hunts are optional fights that offer unique rewards. The player must sign up by talking to Heather at the Hunter's Guild in UPN HQ to unlock Hunts. There are 8 ranks available, and ranking up is possible after defeating either 5 of the 8 enemies in that rank, or by defeating the Hunt Boss for that rank. The method for spawning hunts vary, and are often more difficult than regular enemies you fight in that area. Each Hunt may only be fought one time.

Rank F Hunts

The Walking Forest

Name Location Unique Drop Item Type
Exeggutor Witch Forest Malformed Staff Weapon
Alolan Exeggutor G Witch Forest Long Long Staff Weapon
Ok so listen up. One day me and my girl were having a nice time over at Witch Forest. We were sitting together when we decided to lean back against one of the many trees. Suddenly it began to move and it decided to lean back on us! My girl ran off screaming. The picnic was completely ruined. Ever since that day my life has known nothing but despair. We ended up breaking up, and I even lost my job. This is completely unreal, bro!

Please take care of the jerk tree so that my life will hopefully go back to normal. If it is where I last saw it, you can run into it in the southeastern part of Witch Forest. I hope you have better luck with it than I did.

Will always be up in the eastern part of Witch Forest.
Alolan Exeggutor will replace regular Exeggutor if the area has been glitched before doing the Hunt.

Wandering Cloud

Name Location Unique Drop Item Type
Torkoal Hyphenistan Range Horned Helm Head
Hyphenistan Range is not a safe place to be. However our science research team doesn't know the meaning of the word safety. Literally. We lost our entire team to this strange foe. Now, to be fair, tossing rocks at it while it was sleeping might have played a factor into our complete and utter defeat. Regardless, I would like for someone to avenge my poor science research team. The strange thing is when I went back to find it again after all my bones healed up, it wasn't there anymore! I'm not sure why it was not there but I'm sure it will probably show up for you. Good luck and remember to stay safe and also hopefully alive.
Will always be up in one of four possible spots in Hyphenistan Range.

Shark Attack

Name Location Unique Drop Item Type
Carvanha UPN Pass Hunting Knife Weapon
It's no secret that UPN Pass is rather dangerous. Many sharks roam the lands in the south.. somehow. And while they are relatively easy to take care of, I was beaten. For you see, one day I saw something much stronger. A powerful shark has appeared to take revenge on me! And now I want you to take revenge on it for taking revenge on me! That will surely end the cycle once and for all! It is rather fast and fairly strong, so you will need to be extremely careful. Only the strongest and bravest need apply. You can find it near the waters in UPN Pass. It shouldn't be too difficult to find. Taking care of it will be the hard part.
Will always be up in the south-eastern part of UPN Pass.

The Prey

Name Location Unique Drop Item Type
Dusknoir Swamp Land Mortarboard Head
Oh my god I was attacked by a scary monster underground over at Swamp Land please help me I was at low health and very scared and tired and I ran all the way here since I saw it and I can't stop talking or stand still since I think it will catch up to me and oh my god is that it over there no wait its just the lamp please help me I can't sleep or do anything except run away all the time I can't even stop running my mouth I gotta get away and I gotta get away as fast as possible please put my spirit at ease by traveling to Swamp Land and find out what I did to make it appear before me and then take care of it I just made it to the Hall of oh shit there it is ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Spawns in the basement part of the Hall of Mirrors in Swamp Land. Requires the party to be at low health.

Feats of Strength

Name Location Unique Drop Item Type
Machamp Ficonia Tower Pummeling Fists Weapon
A warrior is proud of their strength. I decided to dedicate my life to getting stronger. When I heard there was a very powerful foe in Ficonia Tower, I sought to challenge and surprass it. However I now see that this was a mistake. It is an enemy that cannot be beat. If you think you have the strength to take it down then travel to Ficonia Tower. Be warned, you will need to get the key to travel beyond the safe limits of the city. But if you think you can defeat this powerful foe, then you should be able to get your hands on a key. I beg of you! Surpass me! Do what no other person has been able to do and show the world your true strength!
Spawns on 2F Ficonia Tower.

Gift from the Sea

Name Location Unique Drop Item Type
Clamperl Raftasaurus Pearl Platemail Armor
It was a dark and stormy night upon the Raftasaurus. We were lost and our captain "accidently" forgot all the water back on land and brought his booze on board by mistake. We didn't seem to mind our drunken sea adventures all too much when we suddenly heard a loud sound from the back of the raft! A sea monster climbed aboard our mighty vessal! We assumed it wanted some alcoholic beverages as well but we were wrong. We all got scared and left it there for the night. The next day when we woke up the monster was gone! But I cannot have inner peace knowing that this thing is still out there somewhere.
Spawns during the rain on Raftasaurus.